Family Law

Divorce can be a time consuming and emotionally draining experience.  If not handled properly, it is a process that can lead to great frustration and unnecessary expense.  When faced with the reality of Divorce or other domestic relations matter, you will be well served to consult an experienced attorney for guidance throughout the process.

With over 20 years of experience, David offers detailed and personalized divorce and domestic relations guidance to clients throughout Alaska.   With your best interests and future in mind, David strives to help you find the solutions you need to move forward with your life.  Throughout your proceedings, David takes the time to help you understand your situation, your rights, and your options for seeking resolution and outlines what you can expect as you walk through the legal process.

Houston & Houston, PC, can assist with other domestic relations matters as well.   Whether it is post-divorce modifications, custody disputes, child support issues or Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), David will provide guidance and support throughout the legal process.   He is also able to assist prior to entering into marriage by providing advice and proper preparation of prenuptial agreements.  No one enters a marriage believing that it will end.   Unfortunately, some marriages don't survive the demands of today’s world.   In the event of a divorce, Alaska law dictates how your marital estate will be distributed.   There is an alternative.    As the part of any sound estate planning process, parties to a marriage can enter into necessary agreements prior to marriage.  Clarity going into the marriage will often eliminate problems during the marriage.  If the misfortune of divorce strikes, you, not the courts, have designed how the estate will be allocated, saving time, money and emotional damage in the event of divorce.

After thorough and thoughtful examination of your case, David takes great care to help you create realistic goals and strives to help you understand how the law applies to your individual circumstances.  When your well being and the well being of you family is on the line, David offers dedicated family law assistance to Alaskans needing to resolve their domestic disputes.


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